The key to a successful commissioning project is to incorporate a team concept.

This team should include the owner, commissioning authority, design team, installing contractors and the owner’s O&M staff. No on individual or team member has the ability or expertise to address every design, installation, or operational issues which may arise during the construction process, which is why the team concept is so vital.

TechComm serves as an owner’s advocate by implementing a comprehensive step-by-step methodical process modeled after the ACG Commissioning Guideline. BCA Commissioning Attributes and ASHRAE Guideline 0.

These guidelines represent the industry’s standards in providing quality commissioning services.

Commissioning is an intentional, visible, cooperative and pro-active process.

Our comprehensive commissioning process for new construction is separated into five phases and can include, but not limited to the following:

  • Pre-Design
    • Consult with Owner/Design Team to establish Owner’s Requirements
  • Design
    • Design Reviews of HVAC, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems
    • Design Reviews of Building Envelope Systems
    • Reviews of construction documents, including specifications
  • Construction
    • Conduct site visits reviewing equipment/system installation and provide detailed reports
    • Maintain our Resolution Tracking Form to document project issues and their resolutions
    • Document equipment installation meets the design requirements using our System Installation Checklists
    • Review Test and Balance (TAB) procedures and verify TAB report
  • Acceptance
    • Functionally test equipment/systems, documenting performance and optimizing operation for energy savings
    • Functionally test Building Envelope components, including air/water infiltration using thermal scanning, blower door building pressurization, and AAMA 501.2 water infiltration testing
  • Post Acceptance
    • Monitor owner training
    • Conduct seasonal testing as needed
    • Remain engaged with owner, assisting with outstanding issues

Our process for existing buildings is separated into four phases:

  • Planning
  • Investigation
  • Implementation
  • Project Turnover